JBLM Military Installation Resiliency Review
In February 2023, SSMCP was awarded a $760K grant from the Department of Defense’s Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). This grant is designed to implement three key tasks fr
om the 2022 GCP: a Military Installation Resiliency Review (MIRR), a new Housing Study 2.0, and a Military Spouse Employment Study.
What is an MIRR?
The core purpose of the MIRR is to identify the risks, hazards, and vulnerabilities of concern as it relates to the ability of the military to carry out its missions on the installation that could be mitigated through investments and solutions outside the fence line in the community.
The focus of the MIRR project will involve an all-hazards approach in terms of screening threats, risks, and vulnerabilities (either natural or manmade, including from the effects of climate change and compatible use), to identify and prioritize areas of concern that should be the subject of further study and evaluation. A primary goal of the study is to identify and recommend actions or investments outside the fence line to mitigate risks of highest concern.
The MIRR requires a new SSMCP Resiliency Task Force based on FEMA’s community lifelines. The review will take 18 months and cost $450,000.
The map shown above depicts the study area, which intends to approximate a 30-minute drive time to JBLM. All SSMCP jurisdictions fall within the study area. However, any South Sound local jurisdiction or organization that may be impacted by the current hazards list (above) is encouraged to be part of this review. The review will use the FEMA model of seven community lifelines described below.
View more about the JBLM Community Lifeline snapshots here.
Next workshop:
The Resiliency Task Force allows local civilian jurisdictions to partner with JBLM as “one community” to identify man-made or natural threats across the community. The program enables a “one community” response through a collaborative Federal, state, local, and private effort to optimize the capacities and resources each can bring to the effort.
Prior workshops:
June 8th, 2023-Resiliency Task Force: Workshop #1-Meeting slides found here.
If you would like more information on becoming a part of the MIRR Task Force or wonder if the this Task Force is the right fit for you, please reach out the Project Manager for this task, Matthew Lieuallen at Matthew.Lieuallen@stantec.com.